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Tecnalia Interview

Hi Guys and welcome, I am Philip English from Robophil.com and on this video we are doing a quick Interview with Dr. Vincent Nabat from Tecnalia. We managed to speak to Vincent at the Innorobo 2015 Robot Exhibition in France, Lyon. 

Tecnalia Research & Innovation is a private, non profit, research organisation resulting from the merging of eight research centres. Technalia is the leading private research and technology entity in Spain and fifth largest in Europe, employing 1415 people with 200 of them being PhDs.

Philip: Hi guys! Philip English. So here today with the, how’d you pronounce it?

Vincent: Tecnalia.

Philip: Tecnalia. Okay. The Tecnalia guys. So please can you introduce yourself?

Vincent:  So. Hi! My name is Vincent, I’m a doctor in robotics. I’m working with Tecnalia which is a research center, Applied Research Center but private. So we are doing RND for companies who wants to create new things that are not a product yet. So we do projects with them and then we create a complete project up to prototype to show that this new thing can work in real life.

Philip: Okay. Wow. So how long have you worked for Tecnalia?

Vincent: So I’ve been working for Tecnalia, two steps primarily, first step back in 2003 actually up to 2009 and then I move to the US to a company called Adept and then I moved back here in Tecnalia last year, so I’ve been working with Tecnalia since last year.

Philip: Okay. I got to hear a sort of American accent. So you brought two products today or two like

Vincent: Projects

Philip: Two projects. So could you explain this fellow here?

Vincent: Sure. So this is a project before that trains you to put robotics to their plans and are train to find the right places to put robotics. In this case, the best is the dual arm robot. Dual arms are interesting because you can do things at the same time like human could be, in that case the robots going to handle and match things apart using the wings and iron into this tool area here and will deburr the parts using vision, so he got 3D vision here to locate the holes and the second arm will pretty much manipulate the parts so you can then deburr from the right way with all the directions and everything.

Philip: I have seen a few of these humanoids, not humanoids but manufacturing type of robots, so this is one as the rethink one. So do you guys work with all types of robots, you know, to basically build a projects, to build a solution?

Vincent: So what we do here is, so we made a robot here but what we do is we moved the software that the robot used to be ship with and we put a new complete stack on top of it so the programming is way easier for the user so it is more into task, so it is not just to program each trajectory, it is more like you need to deburr these holes and we use the cad models of the parts so the user doesn’t have to program everything, it know where the holes are and you can just tell, well, “these are all the parts you have to pick up”, and will use its vision to find the position, so in the end it’s easier to use the robots.

Philip: I see. So instead of having quiet a lot of how with all the software, obviously, you want to bring it down so a normal user can actually use it faster.

Vincent: What we call flexible robotics here where it’s flexible in terms of programming, the robot can adapt itself to whatever it does have to do here.

Philip: Okay. Sounds interesting. So that’s one of them. We got another one behind us. Can you give us a quick run through this one?

Vincent: Sure. This is a cable robots, these are called giant robots. It is something pretty new, the goal here is to be able to build robots that can be places into a giant areas like this kind of holes for instance, this kind of rooms, like a stock room for instance. We have eight cables here link into a platform, in this case it is fixed but in real life it will have motors for each cable and it means it will able to pretty much oriented and move the platform like you can see in the video here and I’m sure you can see from the movie here but the, you can move the parts in giant space in a automatic way, so you can manipulate, you can move parts, you can assemble parts and everything but with big workspace like a room for instance.

Philip: The main thing is that. I see that. You are taking the robot off the floor and having a robot go and train the floor, he’s up in the air

Vincent: So it’s like a crane pretty much but a crane that is very agile and very accurate, you can pretty much, this company can crane,  so you can crane the part in freedom in a big room can manipulate parts in very easy way and automatic way as well.

Philip: Brilliant! Brilliant! Well, thank you very much. It has been a brilliant overview.

Vincent: Thanks!

Brilliant Thanks Guys, I hope you enjoyed the interview and I want to say a big thank you to Vincent from Tecnalia for his time and  the interview.  So we are doing RND for companies who wants to create things that are not.

If you want to learn more about Tecnalia, I have put links below.

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Thanks Guys! And I will see you next time.

Philip English: https://philipenglish.com

Sponsor: Robot Center: http://www.robotcenter.co.uk

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Alvin Bangayan