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Hello Spoon | Anura: RoboPhil Weekly Update

Hello Spoon Anura

Hi there! Welcome to the weekly robot update.

This is where i give you a roundup of the robot news around the world so stay tuned.


Hi guys, I’m Philip English and welcome to weekly robot update number 1.

Luis Garcia, a recent master electronics graduate has created a product called Hello Spoon.

It is an affordable robot elephant that basically feeds you. It helps out people with special needs and limb difficulties which makes meal times fun and enjoyable.


Hello Spoon has a robot arm-like trunk with a spoon on the end of it. The robot uses the spoon to pick up the food for the user and then extends it out so the user can eat his food without having to use his own hand.

The main selling point of Hello Spoon is that it’s fraction of the cost from the specially built medical tool to do the same job.

It does this by using a smartphone to cut down the production cost. The smartphone uses its camera to process the movements and uses its speakers and microphone for the user to interact with Hello Spoon. With this information, the robot can interact to voice commands, feed the user and then dance when the user has finished eating. The main purpose of the Hello Spoon is to make the feeding spoons more enjoyable.

As the product can play music during the meal or can even cheer the person on if so desired.


A Californian based company called the Aericam has created a pocket size camera drone called Anura. They are hoping to bring air drone technology to the masses and will be looking to sell them for around 150-pound mark later on this month.  Anura’s portability to maintain its flying is due to its small size of approximate length of a smartphone but a little thicker around the middle. And the fact that its four arms remain tact inside the outer shell…..

An owner will pilot their Anura by connecting it to an iOS or Android smartphone via wifi.

The drone micro cameras will also stream videos directly to the connected phone. The quadcopter’s protected range is 80 feet with 10 minute flight time per charge. And has been tested to achieve a top speed of 25 miles an hour.

Depending on the results of the upcoming kickstarter campaign and other funding efforts, the team also hopes to incorporate phone tracking, auto take off, auto landing, a return home function and other features into the future models.

Air coming was founded 4 years ago by a photographer and remote control hobbyist, Jason Land. His vision to start his plan was to combine his two passions and develop a perfect remote controlled aerial photography vehicle.

Hello Spoon | Anura: RoboPhil Weekly Update YouTube: https://youtu.be/2gP2zv7zylU

Philip English: https://philipenglish.com

Sponsor: Robot Center: http://www.robotcenter.co.uk

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Alvin Bangayan