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Robomation Philip English

Hi guys Philip English this from robophil.com. We’ve got a bit of an unboxing for you today for Robomation.

Philip English:
So we have got in the hamster kit, a turtle kit and some card games. And this is basically for kids, really! This is for kids training them, how to do their coding and these guys are from South Korea. I’ll just, I’ve got a few bits and bobs, so I’m going to do a bit of an unboxing for you today. Robomation’s purpose is to create a product that helps people by giving them movement and feeling, which makes sense. They’re first established in 1995 and they strive to bring changes of lives based on the accumulation of technology and the imagination that dreams new and convenience. So currently Robomation’s main field of research is educational robots and the Robomations code in education robots help students to increase their interest in software and helps educators to provide an effective training tool.

Philip English:
Their big goal is they wish for customers would have a better experience through reformation and changing mindsets in life through education. Robomation’s big dream is the change in our humans life through product developments. So it gives you just a quick overview of Robomation and what they’re about. I actually saw these guys when I was over in Japan at the end of this year and the last year, 2019. And yeah, there was definitely some interesting products. So anyway, so they sent me this and so let’s have a look to see what we have to start with. So I’ve ordered the full kit from them and then what we do is we actually do some to Tutorial videos for the how it all works, but we’ll do that in different video. This is just an unboxing. You guys see what you get from an education point of view.

Philip English:
First off we have the games. Again this is for kids really teaching the kids the first basics about robotics. So we have a fruit game I’m guessing fruit board game. So that’s that one, the apples, bananas, grapes, everything on there. So I guess helps the little kids learn about the fruits the next bit. If we have animals that you can all see that. So, yep. I particularly like the lamb on this one and we’ve got the Fox and the Lion and the bird and everything else. So we’ll see teaching basic animal that one. And then the last one is, this is the turtle one. So we’ll see, these are sea, sea creatures, Sharks, and Jellyfish, Stingray, etc. You can see that on there for the camera to see as well. So that’s the board game part, which we have seen before in a lot of educational tools, South Korea, quite impressed with a lot of this stuff, actually.

Philip English:
So okay. Big box. Let’s get all the stuff out of the box. You can see me. I can’t stand up cause otherwise you wouldn’t see me talk. So what are we got? Well, padded. And so these are the guys that did the Albert robot as well. So I’m not sure I did do a video of quite a few years ago of the Albert robot. Again, another brilliant tool that I think from the South Korea. So first off we have a turtle looking thing designed to create a creative coding. So there’ll blue turtle robot there I’ll put in there for you. We have USB charging packs. So that’s the only charging make sense. We have another Pocke turtle. Don’t know what the differences are between those two unplugged coding robots. So that’s another one there. We have a USB stick that their hamster gripper. Okay. So thanks for gripping cups and stuff like that. So I put that there and it’s going to be interesting, I guess it can bring me cups of tea and stuff. Okay. So I think that’s everything. Oh no, we’ve got more stuff in this box and maybe easier to put the books on the floor, but we’ll just go with it. So we’ve got the hamster standard extension kits. I’m guessing that’s just a USB or something like that. There’s something else in here which is, I have no idea where that is. So we’ll figure out what, what those on the tutorials

Philip English:
So that’s the first one I’m going to put this box down here, actually see what I’m up to. So turtle, pink Turtle, some sort of kit, another Turtle there and the thing and that’s that. Then we got another box in my back one. Oh, Right that’s the Turtle kit it.. So I’m guessing this one is the other part should have opened this before starting this Tutorial.

Philip English:
Okay. Let’s see what the other bit is.

Philip English:
Fluffy pink stuff, but another board. Okay. So, Oh yeah. So this is the Hamster kit. So I’m guessing that you can use both of these with the with the boards that I showed you a minute ago and this is the Hamster one. Now with this, I think you can actually use Lego with this. So anyone has obviously got Lego. There is a kit for Lego parts and what have we got Hamster extension kits. Again, I don’t know all of this is actually okay. So there’s the Hamster S part. So again, there’s two of these, there’s a Hamster kit and the Turtle kit. So we’ve got some pens, so they’re for drawing and we have some other maze solving kits. Again, something I don’t quite know where that is. It’s a blank thing must be to do with part of it. Okay. Let’s put this down here. Right? So in here we have a, that must go with the board game and various stickers and etc. To actually go with the games. But again, we’ll go through that on the, on the next video with some tutorials, pocket Turtles, to understand how the tutorials work to teach

Philip English:
The sticky things there, what would we go? Oh, right. Okay. And we got a miniature version of the board games as well, which I wasn’t expecting. So I’m guessing that there’s all the board games in, in miniature styles. So you can have small or large, I suppose, playing in groups or playing individually. And we’ll put that there as well and making it a mess. Right. Okay. So that’s what you get for fresh out of the box. So the turtle game, creative code, pocket turtle, and then loads of pens as well. I’m going to stack these here. Right? So starting with the turtle box, I put that there so that I can always see and that one there, We will see what we get from the turtle side of things,

Philip English:
So open them up. You get your little turtle box that will load of instructions. And ok it works quite similar to Albert actually. The technology is very similar. You get your own little set of stickers so you can make TurtleBot look like whatever you want it to look like. And there he is just getting out here,

Philip English:
I would say, yeah. So straight away he sort of has no face. So the idea would be to put a face to him. But again, the, uh, the technology is actually similar to Albert where he’s obviously following the lines and following the board games. So that’s, and there is features and I’m guessing this is a USB pen, so you can obviously charge him up. And then we have a and card games for them as well. So we’re getting him going in a minute for you. Let’s just have a look at the other ones before we do that. Lets put that there and put him to the side.

Philip English:
Yeah. Pocket turtle, right. Is that one and that one there and the other camera. So lets see, if we open up the box. Okay. Right. I’ve got to open ok so there the turtle one.

Philip English:
Pocket Turtle. I don’t quite know what the differences are, but we will find out again, if your robot there, you have your card games and go with a robot and you have your stickers, so you can create whatever robot you want. I’m guessing the boy, one girl, one or anyone you want and let’s get this one out. So again, similar pocket turtle. So they definitely size. Okay. Yeah. So one’s bigger than the other. Again, technology’s very similar. It’s using the exact same tech and put that one there for the mini turtle. Put that one there for the mini turtle. We’ve got lots and lots of stuff here actual a lot more than I was thinking. Okay. May maze solver Robomation charger, lets have a look here. If we were the scissors, obviously what have we got here? Right. Okay. So you have just a basic charge of there. Okay. So what’s the, with these games, there’s going to be a lot of USB plugin and that’s what that’s for. And then in there you just have the charging plug. So that makes sense there. Right? Where is the hamster? Where is he? All right. He must be just one probably. Okay. Hamster gripper on an ice is just a gripper. So I can’t see the hamster

Philip English:
Okay, we need to find the hamster first. Where’s the hamster,

Philip English:
Right? Okay. This is the hamster. Okay. Hamster one. So let’s open this one at first and then we can go into his accessories. Okay. There he is. He’s quite a small guy I’ve spent in a bit of a fire box. So hamster there, you open the up. This is all quite good quality stuff by way guys is, um, again, it’s a South Korean technology has always been something I’m quite a fan of. So there is the little hamster wheel. So we’ll get him moving around in a minute. We’re charging him up and getting running around. I’m sure you can see it on the, on that camera there, but that’s in there and that’s it there. So that’s the unboxing of that USB again and, uh, yeah. Standard USB for the hamster. I will put that one there.

Philip English:
Right what else have we got, we were going back to this one. So this is the hamster gripper kit. You can see that, Oh, it’s got its own little glasses. So the idea is that that goes with the hamster and I’m guessing that you can go and tell him to pick up the little cups. And I’m guessing that these little cups are part of the game, but again, we’re, we’re go through that on more and that’s material videos. So that’s the hamster kits. What else we got here? This is another hamster. Assessory this? Oh, this is for the pen tool. So you’re essentially once the hamster on there, you can get drawing and we have a play with that again, a different tutorial. And we’ve got the Lego bricks there that you can put on there and that’s extension for him. What’s this

Philip English:
Right for this one, whatever we got, we got some straws. Okay. No idea what her straws do. But again, part of the hamster extension kit, we will find out probably something to do with the cups too, that there maze solver cover. So again, I’m guessing that it’s going to go with the pen system that you get, sorry, that’s that they’re going to see that and they get a lot, um, back cover. I’m guessing this is again, it’s just more parts that you can put your Lego pieces onto as well to make it a bit more interactive and fun. And then lastly, we have hamster extension kit. So I’m guessing again, this is basically all going to be, to do with the game. Okay. So hamster the extension kits and Oh, so this looks like I’m all for moving products. Oh, okay. It gives you a good electronic to actually, uh, really do some, um, some deep dive electronic stuff. Okay. And that’s interesting. So, uh, we’ll, we’ll have a look into that, how that works as well. Okay, perfect. Right. Okay guys. So that’s a quick unboxing and off the Robomation robots. we will go through them and mostly with finding the benefits from each one on the next journal. Thanks guys.

Robomation: http://robomation.net/

Robomation YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tI3YyoX46c

Philip English: https://philipenglish.com/

Sponsor – Robot Center: https://www.robotcenter.co.uk/

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Alvin Bangayan