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PARO Therapeutic Seal Review

Welcome, and on this video we are doing product review for the PARO Therapeutic Seal. So if you want to see how this cute ball of fluff is helping Hospital and Care home patient across the UK, then stay tuned.

Hi Guys, I’m Philip English from robophil.com, now on this video we are looking in to the PARO Therapeutic Seal.

PARO – Stands for Personal Robot

PARO was originally founded back in 2004

We are now on the 9th generation of the PARO and it has five types of different sense Light sensors, Voice sensors and Movement sensors

The whole idea about PARO is that it interacts with patients to reduce their stress levels which makes them feel calmer. It gives the patience and to talk about my some more sociable as well there is currently 3,000 Paris across 30 countries at the moment with about 500 PARO’s across Europe.

The PARO design is around a baby harp seal, with a few minor adjustments the idea of the PARO is to look cute and friendly, so they do this by making the PARO slightly larger eyes than a normal more seal and a smaller mouth so it looks less aggressive

There is two forms of treatment that are currently used across the UK for hospitals and care this is Animal Assisted Activity AAA and Animal Assisted Therapy AAT

This is where they take a real life animal in to brought in to see the patient to relax them and calm down. This is a perfect situation for the PARO where if there is hygiene issues or maybe the person is scared of dogs or cats.

You bring the PARO as a substitute to calm the person down the benefits and the PARO that have been seen are similar to AAA and AAT is the the person seems more awake and more focused on getting something to do

It gives them a purpose and something to talk about. Obvisouly there are other situations where person may be aggressive and it helps them to relax and calm down

There is a whole wide range of different sensors on the PARO starting with touch. He has different touch pads so you can touch him and then he will react to a way a patient is actually get stroking in the PARO there is vision, so on is his eyes he has got basic vision so if it’s a light or dark he will react in certained way the movements is overseeing head and neck and the actual position of the robot as well where if you held him up or slightly down he can sense that he is being held at a funny angle and reacts in a different way is has also got a hearing mechanism, so if you start saying his name enough times start recognizing his name just like you would a pet

Here he is!, its seal’ly! Yea, Seal’ly loves it
That’s it guys for a quick Product review of the PARO Therapeutic Seal. If you have any further questions or would like to own your own PARO Seal
Please have a look at the links below and please come visit us at Robophil.com
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Thanks for staying to the end of the video guys and I will see you next time

Hope you enjoy the video!

PARO Robots: http://www.parorobots.com

PARO Therapeutic Seal YouTube: https://youtu.be/OSpkHgGfWZU

Philip English: https://philipenglish.com

Sponsor: Robot Center: http://www.robotcenter.co.uk

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Alvin Bangayan