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F&P Robotics Interview

Hi Guys and welcome, I am Philip English from Robophil.com and on this video we are doing an Interview with Jean-Luc Gianduzzo from F&P Personal Robotics. We managed to speak to Jean-Luc at the Innorobo 2015 Robot Exhibition in France, Lyon. 

F&P Robotics is headquartered in Zurich (Switzer-land) develops and produces innovative Personal Robots, which Safely collaborate with humans. F&P offers complete robotics solutions, having established expertise in both arm (P-Rob) and effector (P-Grip) technologies.

Philip: Hi guys, I’m Philip English. We are here at another stance, so please can you introduce yourself?

Jean-Luc: My name is Jean-Luc Gianduzzo, Member of the Board of a company, F&P Robotics in Switzerland and we are building and producing and designing a new type of robots, collaborative robots, that are different and I will explain how different this is.

Philip: Yeah! See, we got the robot here, he looks like he got a lot of protective on him, he looks a very very interesting robot, can you explain it to me a little bit more?

Jean-Luc: Yes. Safety is very important in several approach, I mean, one of them, we need to have a robot that is not, you know, metallic kinds of things, that’s a special fabric like in your car, you know, you feel warm and we’ve got that very good feedback, I mean, from customers and from most operators to seat close to the robot because we need to make sure also and it is really safe for you and safe for the environment. Yeah! We have all in one systems, encompassing the arm, the rippers, with a lot of sensors in the fingers can be, you know, changed depending on the application, we have also the embedded PC, so that means that you can really get a suitcase with these robots and just get these robots outside the suitcase and ready to be used, full system working, you know, they want a very special also, quite new user interface, you know, we are also web apps in order to integrate the robot, I mean, different types of application, I mean, a pretty linkage technology.

Philip: Okay, I mean,  yeah! So when you say you can bring it along and get it out, so what would be a typical type of scenario of that or like an application?

Jean-Luc: So I mean, I meant, of course it takes 3 to 10 minutes to setup the robot then I think because we are using mainly your teaching kind of approach, I mean, almost anybody can very quickly use, I mean, about 15 to 30 minutes, you know, how-to-do-that, so that means the purpose of these robot is really that you can use it in different type of the day, of the week, I mean, to do different type of task, so you don’t need, you know, to be PHD or to be even an engineer, I mean, to do that you need to be able, you know, to take it, move it, do the task you want, teach it on a regular basis without, you know, thinking about the training you got, I mean, maybe, several months ago, so that’s really the value proposition we bring.

Philip:  Yes! See, it’s quite a speed thing, so you can put it down, get it up, the software is nice and easy to use, you can get it right when to pick up an object nice and quick and fast, so, okay. So how fast the robot can go, is there a speed limit?

Jean-Luc: Yeah! It can go very fast but we limit it just because of safety, so in general, I mean, 120 degrees per second, I mean, we reduce depending on application, depending where it suits, you know, there is this flexibility on each application but typically, you know, we have sets of 6 to 7 people working together, this robot is going to be, you know, collaborative co-worker, I mean, for these people, so he needs to work at the phase of the, you know, higher phase as people but not really fast,  like you see on the food industry or all these things because it could be very dangerous.

Philip: Okay. I mean, what about the weight of it?

Jean-Luc: Yeah! it’s about 12 kilos and so this one. So you can really, I mean, in general, bring it and then, you know, to go to customers we take it, I mean, regular suitcase, obviously with forms inside, but it is really to easy to carry.

Philip: Okay. Makes sense. So what would be the future of these robots, I mean, product wise, is it like a, I can see you got this one as another robot just standing over there, is there a new version going to come out or is there?

Jean-Luc: We have currently, I mean, different type of robots, you know, depending on the what we call degree of freedom, so what  you can do, four, five, six, I think there is also some compact version that’s coming, so it really depends where you want to put these robots, there is also a possibility to put two robots on a kind of body, all this flexibility that, you know, already, I mean, almost in and out is more about applications, you know, I mean, in this  kind of industry we are playing a bit, it’t very broad, I would say what we can do with such robot.

Philip: Okay. It’s brilliant! Thanks very much for the overview, looks like a brilliant product. Thank you!

Jean-Luc: Thank you! Thank you!

Brilliant Thanks Guys, I hope you enjoyed the interview and I want to say a big thank you to Jean-Luc from F&P Robotics for his time and  the interview.

If you want to learn more about F&P Robotics, I have put links below.

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Thanks Guys! And I will see you next time.

Philip English: https://philipenglish.com

Sponsor: Robot Center: http://www.robotcenter.co.uk