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Intuitive Robot Interview

Intuitive Robots Interview - Franck Calzada

Hi guys! I’m Philip English from RoboPhil.com, now on this video we are doing an interview with Frank Calzada from Intuitive Robots. We managed to speak to Frank in the InnoRobo 2015 Robot Exhibition in France, Lyon.


Intuitive Robots creates customs application dedicated to humaniod robots. So example for the home, they can proposed adapted applications from educational and entertainment activities. For professional uses they can give the robot the spark of life, say for robot in guiding in stores, welcoming in hotels, quizzing in museums, entertaining in an event.

Philip: Right! Hi guys! Philip English again, so we are at the InnoRobo speaking to different people. Here we got another company that deals with the NAO, a gentleman here to introduce his self and telling me a little bit more about the company.

Frank: Hi! My name is Frank Calzada and I am the founder and CEO of Intuitive Robots. Our mision is to give spark of life to robots, a lot of robots like NAO or Pepper robot, also a kind of robot, and the question is what can we do with them, what do we do with them, in order to help us everyday for every daily life for the kids, for other people for instance, also in stores, in museums, in hotels. How can we take delegations of those robots and we concentrate our energy on creating application on the brain of the robot.

Philip: So as you saying, your focus is actually like taking the robot products, making it a useful tool for the schools, for the education, and the way you do that is you create applications. So what sort of application you use in making

Frank: For instance, for the kids, we have an application were NAO writes in a little board and also is able to read what the human is going to write in the board. It is a simple application about Mathematics, basically NAO is going to pick some numbers and to write an operation. For instance, three multiply by four and then after the kid is asked to write the answer after the equal sign. And so, it is a very good because some kids have a good visual memory, so it is nice to see how NAO is writing, so the communication is visual and that’s amazing because the kids realised that the robot does exactly what they do to himself, take a pen, write in the board, and that is a lot of fun, so they learn by playing. So it’s another way to learn like what they can do with a tablet, with a smart phone, or with a PC. NAO is another a human machine interface that they can play with, so this is for the kids  for instance. But when we think about another people, we could have some robot when something happen in a room or in the house you know, like they broke their legs because they fall you know, they could call a robot and robot could come over you know, look at the person, talk to the person if everything is okay or not, then person could ask the robot to give a call to 911, to someone from the family because we connect the robot to a smartphone via bluetooth like what you can do in your car basically and so you can just naturally ask the robot to send a message, to call someone and you can hear the person over the r, through the robot, when we can think about it, it can save even life.

Philip: Well, this is it, I mean like it is making the robot more like what we see in the movie, is actually doing stuff for us and as you saying in example with the math game, the robot can see what I am doing and can physically do it at the same time and again like someone fall over the robot can save lives really. So your company works for these kinds of robot, those applications, is it more in the education market you are doing in the moment or is corporate as well?

Frank: We target many market, I mean we have some application with the kids, so we are working with some schools, in Europe, in the US pretty soon, so we have many market and the people we work with the university and with the companies, so we have different market, we think about it, it is limitless actually, it is a number of use cases and we have to think the size of the robot of course, but in terms of usage, we have a lot of application, I have one in my mind for instance, I have a kid, who is two years old and he was having his nap, you know, in his room and one day, I was working, you know, in the living room, far from the room and he was crying and I didn’t hear for a few minutes and if I could have, you know, a SmartWatch, you know, I could get the video stream from the robot, if the robot is in the room with my boy, I could see what happened, his throw his stuff in the bed or maybe because he was crying because whatever, I could see through the robot, you know, what’s happening, I could send some message, like “Papa is coming, don’t worry”, I could also trigger some animation, some stories you know and so, it doesn’t replace me as a role of a father but it could help me out actually to send out.

Philip:  This is like using a telepresence of the robot and again, you can do that at the hospitals, so maybe there is a sick kid in bed and you have the robot play his game, the nurse isn’t around and if there is something wrong then, you know, the robot can see that and then the nurse can get updates as well.

Frank: That is exactly what we are working on.

Philip: Okay! It’s good! It’s good! Okay. That is brilliant Frank. Just to get an overview for your guys I will put Frank details on the website, some of his work, about the work he is doing. Thank you very very much!

Frank: You’re welcome. Thank you!

Great! Thank you guys! I hope you enjoy the quick interview and I want to say big thank you to Frank Calzado from Intuitive Robot for his time and the interview.

If you want to learn more about Intuitive Robots, I will put the links below for your review.

Intuitive Robot: https://www.intuitive.com/en-us

Intuitive Robot Interview YouTube: https://youtu.be/O-Egcep2qkQ

Philip English: https://philipenglish.com

Sponsor: Robot Center: http://www.robotcenter.co.uk

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Alvin Bangayan