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24 Extraordinary Exoskeletons

24 Extraordinary Exoskeleton

Hi Guys and welcome, I am Philip English from Robophil.com and on this video we are looking into the Top 24 Extraordinary Exoskeletons!

Hi Guys, I’m Philip English and welcome to the Top 24 Extraordinary Exoskeletons. This is where I don a run down of the latest Iron man devices!

And don’t forget guys, if you are looking to get your hands on any of these Robots in my videos, then please visit my robophil.com, where you can find where to get them.

powered exoskeleton (also known as powered armorexoframehardsuit, or exosuit) is a wearable mobile machine that is powered by a system of motors,pneumaticslevers, or hydraulics that allow for limb movement, increased strength, and endurance.

Starting with Ekso GT

Ekso GT

Ekso Bionics is a leading developer of exoskeleton solutions that amplify human potential by supporting or enhancing strength, endurance and mobility across medical, industrial and defense applications.

Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL)

Cyberdyne commercializes the inventions of Prof. Sankai and his laboratory at the University of Tsukuba. The company’s flagship product is the Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) suit, which enables and/or augments human motor function by reading nerve signals through the skin.

Body Extender

The “body extender” has been built by the Perceptual Robotics Laboratory (Percro) at Pisa’s Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.

The machine can enable users to lift up to 50kg in each extended hand and is being developed to work in factories or to clear debris and rescue survivors in earthquake zones.

Assist Suit AWN-03

The Assist Suit AWN-03 costs (£5,222, $8,158) and offers a maximum of 15kg-force. Designed to be worn by human adults weighing between 50-80kg, the device weights about 6kg, although this does not include the weight of the battery and the harness. The exoskeleton has been developed by Activelink, the robot development arm of Panasonic.

FORTIS™ exoskeleton

Lockheed Martin, a leader in exoskeleton technology, developed FORTIS as a human-powered system to reduce Metabolic Burn Rate by literally taking the weight of shipbuilders’ tools off their shoulders and transferring it to the ground. The exoskeleton is able to support tools of up to 16kg

Chairless Chair

The Chairless Chair exoskeleton, developed by Swiss startup Noonee, is essentially a clever application of mechanics. The device attaches to your hips and shoes, and straps to both your thighs and calves. When activated, a damper takes the load from your thighs/ass and funnels it into the heels of your shoes.

Dr Miguel Nicolelis mind control exoskeleton

A paraplegic man made the first kick of the brazilian world cup 2014 by using a mind-controlled robotic exoskeleton.  His robotic exoskeleton was created by a team of more than 150 researchers led by Brazilian neuroscientist Dr Miguel Nicolelis.

Exoskeleton boots

A team of engineers from Carnegie Mellon University, led by Steven Collins, has developed a mechanical exoskeleton boot that reduces the energy needed to walk by 7% compared to normal footwear.

Gobio Robots exoskeleton 

Gobio offers in partnership with a range of EXHAUSS exoskeletons to reduce Musculo Skeletal Disorders (MSD) in your company

Gobio Robot hopes to provide a response to professionals seeking to improve the working conditions of their employees, as well as helping vulnerable people or dependent to maintain an independent life as long as possible.


RB3D a company specialized in strength assistance had evolved the codes of building exoskeletons with the new HERCULE Version HERCULE  V3 has powerful has compact legs and a front platform that can be adapted for a wide range of uses.

Raytheon XOS 2 Exoskeleton

The wearable robotic suit increases the human strength, agility and endurance capabilities of the soldier inside it. The XOS 2 uses high-pressure hydraulics to allow the wearer to lift heavy objects at a ratio of 17:1 (actual weight to perceived weight). This allows repeated lifting of the load without exhaustion or injury.

Daewoo Exoskeleton

The exoskeleton fits anyone between 160 and 185 centimetres tall. Workers do not feel the weight of its 28-kilogram frame of carbon, aluminium alloy and steel, as the suit supports itself and is engineered to follow the wearer’s movements. With a 3-hour battery life, the exoskeleton allows users to walk at a normal pace and, in its prototype form, it can lift objects with a mass of up to 30 kilograms.


ReWalk is a wearable robotic exoskeleton that provides powered hip and knee motion to enable individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) to stand upright, walk, turn, and climb and descend stairs*. ReWalk offers two systems – ReWalk Personal 6.0 and ReWalk Rehabilitation.


Researchers at the Cockrell School of Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin have now developed Harmony, a two-armed, robotic exoskeleton that uses mechanical feedback and sensor data to provide therapy to patients with spinal and neurological injuries.

AFA Exoskeleton

The AFA (Advanced Firefighting Apparatus) exoskeleton is the master’s degree design project of Ken Chen, a graduate student at Monash University in Melbourne. While there is no working prototype as of yet, the AFA concept is based on existing military and industrial exoskeleton systems.

Soft Exosuits

Harvard Biodesign Lab are developing next generation soft wearable robots that use innovative textiles to provide a more conformal, unobtrusive and compliant means to interface to the human body. These robots will augment the capabilities of healthy individuals in addition to assisting those with muscle weakness or patients who suffer from physical or neurological disorders.

MAXFAS exoskeleton

Dan Baechle, a mechanical engineer at the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL), is developing the MAXFAS exoskeleton that doesn’t make soldiers stronger, but better shots instead.

The trick is to train the shooter’s hand so it remains steady during the critical moments. This is the purposes of MAXFAS.

Walking Assist

Honda Motor Co. robotic device is use for walking rehabilitation under the guidance of a doctor and/or therapist. It’s based on the inverted pendulum model, a theory of bipedal walking, and features two motors that help lift the leg at the thigh as it moves forward and backward. This lengthens the users stride and helps them walk further and faster.


Robo-Mate project began in 2013 as a consortium of twelve research institutes and companies in seven European countries. The idea is to produce a powered exoskeleton that acts as a support frame that can reduce the physical workload for assembly and disassembly work by a factor of ten. So an exoskeleton designed specifically for industrial use that can make 10 kilos feel like 1.


REX is an exoskeleton made of strong, lightweight materials that is designed to support and hold a person comfortably as they move. Users strap themselves in to the robotic legs with a number of Velcro and buckled straps that fit around the legs along with a belt that fits around the user’s waist.


Phoenix is built by suitX and is the “world’s most affordable” powered exoskeleton. With the help of crutches, it allows disabled users to walk, by moving and bending their legs for them. It builds on technology developed by a team from the University of California at Berkeley’s Human Engineering Lab.

Mitsubishi Exoskeletons

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Japan Atomic Power Company have developed a prototype powered exoskeleton for nuclear disasters.  Mitsubishi labels this wearable robot as a Power Assist Suit or PAS. This is the first entry of both Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and the Japan Atomic Power Company in the exoskeleton field.

Hyundai Exoskeletons

Korean auto giant Hyundai has revealed images of beefy, tougher looking robotic exoskeleton aimed at the transportation, industrial and military markets. The suit, which is still in its pre-production form, would let you lift and manipulate objects weighing over 60 kg (132 lb) with no stress to your legs, arms or back.


 X1 is a robot that a human can wear over his or her body either to assist or inhibit movement in the leg joints. The device was developed with a dual purpose: (1) to assist astronauts in walking on extraterrestrial surfaces and maintain leg strength while in microgravity and (2) to assist paraplegics in walking on Earth.

That’s it guys, I hope you enjoyed the 24 x Extraordinary Exoskeletons! I am your host Philip English.

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Thanks Guys! I looking forward to see you next time.

24 Extraordinary Exoskeleton: https://youtu.be/DHfccKI5vew

Philip English: https://philipenglish.com

Sponsor: Robot Center: http://www.robotcenter.co.uk 

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Alvin Bangayan