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Benedex LTD Interview with Snir Benedek

Benedex LTD Interview with Snir Benedek

Hi guys Philip English this from philipenglish.com. Welcome to the Robot Optimized Podcast where we talk about everything robotics related. For our next episode, we have Benedex LTD led by Snir Benedek who will talk about their leading software and robotics .


Philip English: 
Hi guys. My name is Philip English, and I am a robotics enthusiasts to report on the latest business and application of robotics. And my mission is to get yourself a robot optimised as support industry innovation and infrastructure. Uh, today we have Snir from Benedex limited and their vision is to promote automation for the empowerment of society. And, we’re going to have a word of snir today about his flexible motion platform. So Snir welcome. Okay.

Snir Benedek: 
Thank you very much. We’re also robots enthusiastic here.

Philip English: 
Cool, perfect. Perfect. That’s what I have to say. Um, so could you give us, um, I suppose a quick overview about yourself if that’s okay, so now,

Snir Benedek: 
Um, yeah, of course, happily. So, um, I myself, uh, have, um, a rather multifaceted, uh, background, uh, I have a bachelor’s degree and in aerospace engineering from the Technion, from the Israeli Institute institutes of technology, Israel is, um, where I spend the first, uh, first 37 years of my life. And, um, I then, uh, uh, I then took a course in biomedical engineering at the Tel Aviv university. So the first 11 years of my, my career, um, have been in R and D of various descriptions. Uh, I’ve been a programmer of simulations. I’ve been, um, an engineer, uh, aerospace, um, well in aerospace, I was an engineer of aircraft performance and, uh, I’ve been a mechanical engineer in the digital press industry and then applications engineering, robotics. And from there, it segwayed into a more commercial role. And, um, since 2012, I’ve been a sales manager, product manager of the motion control and, and, um, robotics related electronics. And, and through that international role, I came to know, uh, the technology very intimately. I came to, to build up a network, um, across the globe of people who are involved in the industry. And, um, and that’s naturally, naturally led me to understand better the pains and the, the endemic problems in, in this market. And here we are today.

Philip English: 
Yes. No. Okay. No, thanks for that. That’s a great overview. And then, so I will see you’ve got lots and lots of experience. I mean, 20 years of space is really, really impressive. And then, I mean, so what I suppose the first quick question is, um, so you, you, you decided to come to the UK, um, and sort of worked with the team like a British team. Was that the plan or?

Snir Benedek: 
Uh, well, not really. I started as a regional sales manager was still working in Israel. I started as a regional sales manager of, um, of, um, motion control electronics. Um, and, and I got to work in the UK market. I absolutely love the United Kingdom. I love this country. I love diversity. I love its culture. I always have really. And, and, and so I always was happy to, to come and live here. And I had an opportunity where a person who used the business. So it used to be my, my customer back in the day, um, got me as an employee. And so, uh, that’s what, uh, that’s what facilitated the, the move into the UK. It started as a, as a half jest, but, uh, but here we are quite an amazing turn of events. Really. Yeah.

Philip English: 
Yeah. And then, and then, did you, do, did you aim to land for sort of like the Bristol bath area? Cause that that’s sort of a bit of a HubSpot in the UK for like robotics with Bristol, like robotics labs. I mean, obviously I know you’ve got some association with those guys, so, so what, what’s the connection there?

Snir Benedek: 
A very fortunate turn of events. We started out in bonus very, very, very lovely place. And, um, following my better half’s, um, place of work, we ended up halfway between between mom’s break, which is where Dyson is and, uh, and, um, at Bournemouth and, um, it is naturally close to, to Bristol and above. And not many people, not many people are aware, but this entire area, not just Bristol has a lots of action in terms of reports. They send some really, really, really smart people in the wheelchair area. I think it’s been very, very fruitful to, to open this business here. Yeah.

Philip English: 
I think you’re definitely in the right space. I mean, we know, um, uh, Airbus is down there. A lot of the big aerospace companies are around there as well. And I think they’re, they’re saying that that sort of era is sort of the new center of, I suppose, essentially the UK for like, um, I suppose technology and innovation, because it’s so, so well-placed really, I mean, I mean sort of, sort of in, in, in the sense that you can go up north and get down south, so yeah, definitely a good place to be. And, um, yeah, and obviously we’re still robotics labs there there’s advantage there, but, um, I, I suppose, um, yeah, obviously the main thing of that talk is to talk about, um, your products and, uh, and, and, and the actual company. I mean, could I start with sort of the problems that, that you’ve seen? Obviously you’ve got a lot of history there, so you’ve seen a lot of the problems with, um, the, the current solutions are on the, on the market, but it could, could you give us an overview, obviously, the, there, the problems that your AMI solution is looking to address?

Snir Benedek: 
Okay. So you said AMR, the AMR market is a bust market, and it is very, very quickly growing. It is one of the largest or sorry, one of the fastest growing sectors on the, the, the whole robotics industry. So, um, mobile robotics, and probably not many people are aware of how big it really is, is a market that, that brings in tens of billions of dollars every year. And is, is anticipated to grow, to be about 10 times as large in the next, uh, in the next 10 years or so. Uh, it is, it is a huge market and it is a very quickly growing. And also they say, you know, people have been saying for the past 50 years, that robotics is the next big thing, the next big thing. However, unless you’re in Silicon valley, which is probably the singular one place in the world that you see it, um, when you walk around, you don’t see robots, do you, so, so they’re the next big thing for the past 50 years, but they’re not here yet. It has not happened unless you’re in Silicon valley. So why has not happened? What is keeping it from happening? Why aren’t robots all around us? I think the way I see it, and this is what guided us to, to, to go for this solution is that building robots is difficult. It’s hard, it’s still too hard. And, and it’s, and it’s very, very expensive. There are major barriers of entry into this, into this market. This is the problem that we’re tackling.

Philip English: 
And this is, um, you know, as, as you, as you said, it’s a market, that’s, it’s going to be expanding more and more over the next few years. And, um, I know what you mean about the AMI market in general. We’ve seen lots of different platforms can’t come in there. They’re all quite similar to some degree. Um, and that’s why we’re really, really interested like in Bennett, Alex, it seems like, um, a different type of solution. That’s gonna be, be able to fit into lots of different areas. I mean, I mean, just to get my head around it, I mean, again, I’ve done a bit of reading, so is the idea of obviously that you could actually place your system on to any type of, um, of platform. So if I have, um, a certain, I’m trying to think of a good example here, like, uh, a table or something simple that, that, that, that I want to move around and that table has some products on. Can do I, do I work with you to attach your system to that table, make the table like autonomous? Is that, is that how it works? Or if I,

Snir Benedek: 
Okay. Yeah. That’s one way it works, but I think we can attach the wheels. Things much, much, much more interesting than a table or the kitchen sink that matter. So mobile robots are machines that travel from place to place and, and do a certain function. And because of recent technological developments, what those machines can do has, has greatly improved and increased. They mobile robotics can do the work of people and can do increasingly more things people can do. And, and so they find themselves going into every industry can think of, obviously everyone knows they’re in logistics, they’re in warehousing. Everybody already knows that because everyone has already seen pictures of swarms of robots are crawling up the walls and on the shelves and those big Amazon warehouses and at, uh, at, uh, what’s the name, um, Ocado, uh, the, the big supermarkets, you know, all those big logistical centers, but they’re also, uh, they’re also going into, into the outdoors and people are looking at last mile delivery.

Snir Benedek: 
That’s a big thing. Now it’s being looked at. People are looking at security robots using using, um, ground drones as centuries. People are looking at the medical industry. People are looking at the agricultural industry because robots can do things out in the fields. So the variety is endless. And, and the thing is that, that the technology for building industrial industrial robot platforms is because it’s difficult and expensive is held by big companies, big corporates, but the ideas, but the great ideas for new uses, new implementations, new applications come from, from, um, SMEs, from entrepreneurs, people who don’t necessarily have that capital backing, and they don’t have access to that technology, uh, to get it from the big corporates, because that costs a lot of money. And, and this, this is the gap that needs to be crossed that needs to be bridged. And what we have set to do is to make this technology accessible to people who don’t have that kind of capital backing.

Snir Benedek: 
This is, this is, this is the, the solution. As we see it, we need to bring it closer to the people. Now we can’t make one machine that will do everything and people would be able to, um, to easily procure it because, because the machines are highly specific, every payload that does a certain work is very specific to that work. It does. But if it’s on a mobile base mobile basis have a far more common function, they just need to get the payload from place to place. Right? And so what you see is that the developers of these platforms, um, they, uh, they can buy something off the shelf. They can buy a generic robotic vehicle off the shelf, which comes as is, and does what it does. And they have to cope with it, or they go and make their own and making your own is, is lengthy.

Snir Benedek: 
It’s, um, it’s expensive. It requires expertise and not everyone has the expertise. This is where we come in. We have created a platform, which is, which is very, very capable and very flexible. And it combines the best of both worlds, what tailor it to your specific application. And it is bespoke for your needs in the sense that you get it, the size you want, and you can get it with a number of motors you want, depending on how much power you want and how dynamic you want it to be, how agile nimble you want it to be, and you get it very, very fast and for a very affordable price. That is how we are attempting to bridge this gap. So anyone making a robotic application can let us know what the dimensions of the platform are and what the dynamics are required to be. And within days they will have their platform given to them.

Philip English: 
Wow. Wow. This sounds like a fantastic solution. Isn’t there. Yeah. I mean, obviously I’ve done some research on the website, but that explanation explains it a lot more to me. And I, I, I totally agree with you on the solution side. There’s lots of robots coming out, but actually, um, obviously companies are investing or having to look into them and buying them, but I don’t quite know how they’re going to use them or what they’re going to do. Whereas obviously you need to start at the other end where, you know, well, what’s the problem? What, what, what do we need to solve? And what’s the ideal thing, instead of trying to squeeze, what’s it, you know, like a round peg into a square hole, you know, th that, that, that, that, that, that like analogy. So, yeah, I mean, obviously if you’ve got, um, a problem a year, then if you have a Pacific’s build that you can make wishes tailored for the, the, the company, then that makes a lot more sense. Um, so, so how would it, I suppose to, how would it work, um, go in a bit, in a bit more detailed tech technically wise, like how, how, how does it work from a vision and mapping point of view that the actual software? So let’s, let’s say that I’ve got, um, a solution that I need, I need a small mobile platform. How, how, how do I, we’ll see, I’ll come to you to, to actually build it, but what, what’s, what what’s the tech technology like within the, within the robot?

Snir Benedek: 
Okay. There are several, there are several levels to, to, to, to get over in order to, to be able to deliver that technology packaged to you first off, there’s the, there’s the physical platform, the secret sauce, if you will, in, in being able to make a physical platform that is very flexible and yet very capable is in compression, in it’s in functional density, it’s making everything smaller and yet highly capable. So the, the cornerstone of everything is this wheel. This is the first development of the company. This is the very real wheel that we’re making. It’s, it’s about as big it’s, it’s exactly as big as the diameter of the, um, of the urban scooter wheels. This is actually an urban scooter tire that goes on. It it’s very, very standard, but the size of it does not belie the complexity of what’s going on inside.

Snir Benedek: 
There’s a whole lot going on inside. So in the hub, there is, um, a very special electric Meltzer. There is the control electronics. There are, um, sensors for measuring the motion, measuring temperatures and measuring operational parameters of, um, of the wheel. And the important thing is that each wheel is self-controlled. So there is a processor on, within it as well. And the processor is what controls the individual motion of these. And so, um, by integrating the electric system with the electronic system and compressing it into the smallest possible size, we get to building block that is by itself complex, but as a system, the architecture of the system that comprises these building blocks and other elements is very, very simple, unlike, unlike the traditional, um, designs that you know, well, and if you open a robotic vehicle, you’ll see. And if you open indeed, um, an automobile, for example, you will see, um, a great number of parts interconnected with a complex spider web of connections.

Snir Benedek: 
Everything is connected to everything. And that kind of cable harness is, is, um, well complicated in our case because everything is integrated. Everything is connected with a very, very simple cable harness with communication, with power and with not much more than that. And so the system itself as a system, it is exceedingly simple. So that is the secret sauce, if you will. Uh, and, and that says, that is at the hardware level. Now, how do we control the number of wheels? This is what the actual patent of the company is, is about. It’s not about the wheel, it’s about a varying number of wheels, which are controlled by very simple computer. The computer needs does not need to be very powerful because each wheel controls itself. So what the central computer does, the central controller is just synchronized between the wheels in order to make them behave like, um, like, um, a vehicle.

Snir Benedek: 
So whether you’re using two wheels or four wheels or six wheels, direct wheels, uh, the mathematical model or behaving as a vehicle without number of wheels is already inside. So you, you do a quick configuration after a quick configuration, you’re using the software that, that is proprietary to Benedex. And, um, that part, part of the software is also, uh, the mathematical model. Part of the software is also the, um, the control of the wheels. And, um, after a quick configuration, your vehicle is ready to go, wow. But at that point, at that point, we are not still at the, um, at the, um, space issue, perception level. We’re not there yet. What you have now is a blind horse, if you will, because the system can now control its own its own wheels, its own legs, but it still does not know where it is. It needs some kind of, it needs some kind of control, some kind of command from above, from, from something that knows where it is and some, and then there’s the same or some factor that makes decisions to where it needs to go.

Snir Benedek: 
So, uh, because, um, navigation and guidance and, and, and perception, uh, quite complex, well, very complex then, um, we are complementing that side of our business partnerships with top end companies in those fields, because it would take us many years to develop a very good system of our own. So what we’re, what we’re doing is building a very robust software platform that does, uh, the control of our platform and, um, and is also meant to be very easily integrated into other means. Other means of control. That’s why we, we are currently working on a roast interface with robotic operation systems that we can fit into fit into, um, a ROS system as a roast node, but you will not need to program the wheels by themselves. You will see the entire system, however many wheels it has as one Ross’ note, and you’ll just need to command it and let it know where to go. And we will also compliment, uh, our platform with, um, with slam and with a position and, um, and localization measurement, um, measurement, uh, hardware that we won’t be making ourselves. And that is something that we’ll be doing, but by partnering with best in class companies that do it.

Philip English: 
Right. I see. I see. So we’ll see. So you’ve got the, uh, the baseline K K K K components. And then for the vision side, obviously that you’ve got partners for that, and then is it, so, um, if we, if we were looking to you to, to, to, uh, to get one of your users, is it, is it normally slammed to allergy that, that you see is, is the most widely used for like types of AMRs or is it better to do it with, um, like wifi signals where you have a free access point?

Snir Benedek: 
That that really depends on the situation. Um, if, if you’re running on an open field and slam hasn’t, hasn’t been contribution because there isn’t, there isn’t, there aren’t any obstacles perceived, um, as, as, as you are doing it in a more, um, in a more real environment, say in an urban environment, or even in, in those, that’s why the situation gets rather more hairy. And that’s where you, you need to have, um, visual means of perception. And you have to have a software that in that, uh, stands what to do with that kind of information. Um, you also needs, you also will need means for, for positioning measurement, um, what the platform does have. And, and that is a very significant advantage among others, is that because we are using direct drive technology, there are no gears within the wheels, it’s all direct drive. And that means that the motion measurement of the motor is the same as the motion measurement of the wheel.

Snir Benedek: 
And by using a high resolution motion sensor, we can actually measure with very, very, very great accuracy, the motion of the wheel. Right. I see. Okay. So coupled with other advantages of direct drive, one of which is being able to attain higher speeds and also very important being this, this being the highest energy efficiency system that physics can allow you to have, because there are no gears inside there’s, there’s no wastage of energy, uh, through internal friction. So, um, so with, with very, very high accuracy, high precision measurement of the motion, you can get great control in both low speed and high speed.

Philip English: 
Roy. I see. And then, and then, so I saw that from the performance side and the weight side, so every will, can take 125 kilos. Is it, is it, is that right?

Snir Benedek: 
Well, in the sense of loading yeah. How much weight can you put on it and put on it until it breaks then? Yeah, we’ll design it for 150 kilos of, um, of, uh, loading. Okay. Um, that’s not a big deal. That’s not very difficult. I mean, the more, the more metal you use, the more, the more you can pack on there. So yeah, we, we designed it to very, very high loads. So our platforms, even the simplest one begins with a carrying capacity of at least 200 kilos. Right.

Philip English: 
Okay, great. And then the performance is sort of how, how fast, um, can these wheels go?

Snir Benedek: 
It’s a function of the voltage you apply. Our system can work with 1224, 48 volts, and that has, has a direct bearing on, on how fast it goes. So I’m at 48 volts. We can attain with these wheels speeds of around 14 kilometers now. Right.

Philip English: 
So you got the speed there. And then the other question I had is that, is it possible to make the wheels wireless? Cause obviously you said about the control box, does that have to be with the robot or can it that be wirelessly and the signals are coming down straight? Yeah,

Snir Benedek: 
Of course. Of course, of course. No one is thinking about, uh, about, uh, controlling this with a tether. That is, that’s not the idea, um, the platform self powered, obviously. So, so it has its own batteries and it has its own computer on board. Now the question is, how do you want to command it? Do you want to command it with, uh, with a joystick? That’s fine. You can command, you can command with joystick. You can connect it to any manner of, um, of loss based system that may by itself be wireless. Because as we said, we, we provide them the mobile base for your platform. However, there is, there has to be another computer that tells the payload what to do. And usually that is also the computer that tells the entire EMR with the entire robot, where to go in order to carry out the next action. So we can very quickly and easily connect to all those computers and received from them the command of where to go. And then we will know how to interpret the command because, because our software will, then it has been programmed to, um, to navigate from point a to point B. Okay. So you just, so you just tell it where point B is assuming if you’re at point a, it knows where it is and it will carry out that, uh, that, um, come on,

Philip English: 
Come on. And then, so I think, um, in regards to that question then, so we’ll see, so you can have the wheel, you can build it onto the system. And then from the AMI, as I have experienced with is then is then you, would, you then have another computer that sits on the whole platform that communicates to the wheels. So is it, is it possible to sort of take, take, take away that, that computer, so you have direct communication to the wheels via what wireless, so you haven’t got that control system. I think that’s what I’m trying to, um, um, I understand, so like the reason I say that is, um, we sit there’s another company called wheelme and they’ve got like a small wheel like that. And I’m just curious to see how, how it sort of works really.

Snir Benedek: 
Okay. So wheel me our a bit. Okay. W we have similarities with [inaudible], but we also have our differences, uh, wheel me, each wheel is self-sufficient with respect to power. So each wheel has a box, a big box around it, and it has in those boxes, there are, um, the batteries, and there’s also the control computer. Um, when you work with a different kind of typology, right? In our case, uh, the common elements are that each wheel has its control inside. And that’s pretty much where it ends because we S we need to have one common controller to all the wheels. And we are aiming at industrial applications and to have a very robust industrial applications, um, sorry, you still need to have some kind of wire in place. And it, it is also mandated for the purpose of safety. You can’t have safety, uh, safety over safety that, that isn’t wired.

Snir Benedek: 
And one of the very important features of our wheels is that they have, they have the hardwired safety feature actually, where the redundancy event. So the premise of everything that we’re doing is that we are, we’re not, we’re not making things for the hockey market. These are hardworking, heavy duty industrial platforms. This is also why they deal with such high loads. And this is why the wheels are so powerful for their size. And this wheel weighs three and a half, 3.6 kilos, which is very, very light yet the kind of thrust it can generate. It can generate a thrust of 50 kilos. That means that by itself, the wheel is enough. One wheel is enough to, um, to pull a 50 kilo payload up a vertical wall. You can imagine that with four of these wheels, um, creating a thrust force combined of 200 kilos push, uh, you can, you can get a lot moving, so they’re small, but they handle a lots of weight.

Snir Benedek: 
They’re extremely powerful, extremely power efficient. And, and this is for the purpose of sustainability, not just in the environment sense that too, because the, the, the energy efficiency of these means that you can, you can use most of the energy you challenge them with. But sustainability also means that this is thinking long-term, I don’t mean for you to get a platform and scrap it in two years. And, and in several years, uh, you’d have a mountain of used up, uh, plat benefits platforms, uh, little around. This is not what we intend. We, we make the hardware very, very Hardy, rugged, and survivable, and we make the software very, very easy to update so that, uh, so that you can use the hardware itself, which is basically a motor and wheel, um, for a long time and keep updating the software. And it also, um, it also means that this is a system for avoiding waste, avoiding the creation of waste and being able to, uh, quickly change components very easily.

Philip English: 
Okay. And so You got the longevity there as well. And it, it sounds like, um, you know, it, even if you had it for five years, then you can obviously just take the components out and re and re rebuild it for a different light. So a solution as well. So it sounds like it’s got that. It’s got that, that ability, because if the technology is constantly getting it software updates, and he did want to change to some sort of something new, then there, then you’ve got the capabilities there. So,

Snir Benedek: 
Absolutely. But by using the smallest number of moving, moving parts within the wheel, which is basically rotor and stator, there are no gears there, there isn’t anything moving around other than, other than the, uh, the two parts of the melter. And, uh, and so that means, um, it is, it is designed for the maximum reliability, uh, the minimum weapon maintenance and, and also, um, because the components themselves a very, very easy and easy to change, they’re interchangeable, then, you know, worst case you’ve shot one of your wheels. And, uh, you just replaced it with a new one. It assumes the previous one’s personality and you get rolling again,

Philip English: 
Right. Nurse. Fantastic. Fantastic. Um, what, what I normally ask next is I think we go on through problem and solution. I think we’ve got everything there is. I, I, I normally ask, um, so something about, okay, what’s the future future, and then obviously just the next steps for how to get in contact. But before I do that, do you, is there anything else that you want to add into this section?

Snir Benedek: 
What I would say is that we are on, we’re starting out on, I say we, because benedex is not just me benedex is an amazing team is an amazing team of brilliant engineers. We’ve won substantial funding from innovate UK, and that, uh, got us off to a really, really good start. Um, we’ve assembled a team. So map company’s CTO, who, who is one of the most brilliant individuals that I know with an extensive background and a very, very illustrious, uh, track record in, in robotics. Um, and not just here, we also have great engineers, uh, because this is very, very multidisciplinary. So we have to have talent in electric, electronics and mechanical engineering in robotics, in, um, in software. And we have all that. So we’re starting out now and we are very, very much seeking collaboration. Anyone who can use this technology, and there are indeed many, many who can we just need to get the word out, I’m sure this’ll be a hit. So all these, all these people, anyone, anyone interested is very, very welcome to reach out and, and to, and to get in touch. And we will talk about how to, how to best benefit them with this technology.

Philip English: 
Right. Right. And, and the best way to get in contact with your snare, is it, is it through the website and have you got an email address?

Snir Benedek: 
Yeah. hello@benedex.co.uk. Okay. Okay.

Philip English: 
No, that’s perfect. That’s perfect. Yeah, no, sounds great. And then I suppose for the, the, the bigger future vision, or see again, since you guys are vision, you know, sort of to promote automation for, uh, the empowerment of society, I suppose to get, I suppose, it’s, like you said, you know, to, to, to make it more accessible for, for, for companies to bring this technology in and build something that’s bespoke and going to work for them, and just expanding that out for as many applications as possible, really, I suppose, as the, is the

Snir Benedek: 
Main name, we have a very, very clear roadmap of where we’re going. We just, uh, we just now towards the completion of the first stage, which is, which is solidifying, consolidating the technology, which means that we’re building the motors, we’re checking the software. We’re seeing that everything is well connected and working as a robust system, that stage one, the next stage is the platform at that stage. We’re going to, um, put the, put everything together as a system and take all the considerations as a system. And that’s when we will consolidate those partners of those partnerships with, uh, complementing technologies, uh, that will be slammed. That will be the navigation technology. That would be the positioning technology things that will take us a hundred years to do. If we did this, if we did them ourselves, the next stage, once we have a good platform that is already selling, once we have a good platform that is out in the field, what we will do is work on the service, because this has to be the best platform.

Snir Benedek:
Also in this, not just in the sense of hardware, we want to give our users the best experience in, in getting those applications deployed quickly and well. So we will be working on the documentation. We will be working on a great website. We will be working on a sales on the sales platform, on the internet. So you can put together everything on, on the website, hit, uh, hit order and, and, and your platform will be on its way to you within days. Wow. All assembled and ready to use, um, that kind, that kind of service. Um, and after we’ve done all that, I suppose we will start looking very seriously at our being a powerhouse for all kind of robotic applications ourselves and, and, um, and, and try to get a piece of the action of actually making full applications, completely turnkey on the basis of everything that we’ve developed to that point.

Philip English: 
Wow. Now where this is it, I mean, I think that’s a great way. I really liked the website where you can go in there and build it, and then you just hit the order button. I mean, that sounds like a

Snir Benedek: 
Great, there are several, yeah, there are several companies working that way. One of them is called pension, um, where you can build, um, machines on the internet and then you just click order, you know, exactly what it costs. You know, exactly what’s in there. Um, everything is transparent. Everything is visual. Everything is out there, there, there are no secrets anymore. There are no trade secrets anymore. Everyone knows everything. And, and people appreciate that everything is laid bare before you, you know, exactly what you’re getting, you know, exactly what your options are. And he just puts it together. No BS, you know, the numbers, you order, the thing it’s assembled within days, instant satisfaction and the most important thing. It works. You trust it to work. It has to be trustworthy to work. It must be. Yes. Yeah.

Philip English: 
Yeah. So it’s the people, obviously you’ve got the reliability there and now an associate does the job. And then, so what sort of, I suppose, I suppose lifestyle questions, so like timelines, um, um, in your eyes, obviously it was great to see, um, like the wheel today in real, in real life. So we’re set, I suppose, to get to the platform stage. what sort of timelines are you guys thinking of?

Snir Benedek: 
Um, four to eight weeks. Okay. Yeah. So we’ve got the wheels. Um, we’ve, um, we’re just about ready to roll out the first version of the software that we’ll be calling a variable number of these wheels, and that will be in the upcoming weeks. Uh that’s when we’ll start, um, we’ll start driving the first platforms where these wheels up until now, by the way, it’s not that there’s, there hasn’t been anything driving around. We have, uh, the benedex mini me, which is a little platform that we made out of a regular, just normal, normal industrial motors, but very small ones, like a, um, small PLDC brushless, DC motors. And then they have a similar interface. They they’re just different magnitude of hardware and, and that’s working fine. I can’t wait to get the big wheels on there and see how much, how much power they put out is going to be cool of power.

Snir Benedek: 
And it’s always fun before you, uh, before you try something like that. Um, so yeah, that’ll be the next two to four weeks. Um, we will continue the development of the platform until, until the third quarter of 2022. Okay. And, and then we will start working on optimizing the manufacturing, if everything goes to plan that is at that point, the company will already have substantial sales. And, uh, we will, um, start concentrating on, on, um, getting quick, quicker, lead times quicker, my factoring, better manufacturing quality documentation, and what I described as, as, as making up the good service, better service to our customers. Right. Okay. But yeah, w w w we are actually ready to speak with, um, with early adopters about, about getting some, getting some, um, payloads on platforms. We are at that point

Philip English: 
Now. Right. Perfect. Perfect. Well, I think that’s been a great, um, like overview, snare. I mean, it’s very much appreciated and yeah. I mean, obviously guys, you want to get in contact with Snir, then you’ve got the email address there and, um, yeah, there’s this, I think it’s going to be a great tech technology and we’re looking to see, uh, looking forward to see like more from you guys from, from, from the future. So I thank you snare. Thank you. Thank you for your time, sir.

Snir Benedek: 
And thank you very, very much. No worries. Thank you.


Robot Optimised Podcast #5 – Snir Benedek of Benedex LTD

Benedex LTD : https://benedex.co.uk/

Philip English: https://philipenglish.com/

Sponsor: Robot Center : http://www.robotcenter.co.uk

Youtube:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knlbxEZ6mgA&ab_channel=PhilipEnglish