0845 528 0404
Become one of the most highly Robot Resourced, Optimised, and Intelligent businesses in your industry.


Informing Industries

We provide expert advice and strategic robot consultancy on integrating robotics to enhance efficiency, productivity, and innovation in business operations.


Inspiring Insights

We deliver the latest robotic news, in-depth reviews, and comprehensive knowledge to provide you with valuable insights on industry advancements.


Innovating Ideas

We organise interactive workshops and engaging events, offering hands-on experiences and expert insights into the latest advancements in robotics technology.


Informing Industries

We provide expert advice and strategic robot consultancy on integrating robotics to enhance efficiency, productivity, and innovation in business operations.


Inspiring Insights

We deliver the latest robotic news, in-depth reviews, and comprehensive knowledge to provide you with valuable insights on industry advancements.


Innovating Ideas

We organise interactive workshops and engaging events, offering hands-on experiences and expert insights into the latest advancements in robotics technology.

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Hi, I’m Philip

I have been a robot enthusiast, ever since I saw my very first movie in the cinema. I must have been about 7-8 years old and went there to see Roger Rabbit…! Luckily, my Dad and I were late, so the only other film that was on was Short Circuit – Johnny 5!

Since then and after watching a lot more sci-fi films about utopian futures and dystopian futures, I have been hooked on how robotics can create a real positive future and enable innovation to new heights. Today, my mission is to explore the latest and greatest of robotic and automation technology, with the aim to popularise the industry and help informed decisions.

Robot Optimised! – COMING SOON

The ROI guide to Industry, Infrastructure & Innovation

In this digital age, businesses are finding it harder to find the correct resources to run efficient operations and find the time for R&D, to support their growing customers’ demands. This however is starting to change, with business looking to become Robot Optimised, they are using Robotics & Automation to deploy flexible resources, optimise their operations and creating innovations within their industry. While their competitors are busy re-hiring & training staff and not focusing on high value activates, these Robot Optimised Industries are creating the path ahead.


Chief Operations Officer


Tech London Advocates Network